Cairo Luxor Round Trip | Luxor Round Tour | August 2019

Cairo Luxor Round Trip, a town in Upper Egypt, ‘ the largest open-air museum in the world. ‘ The capital city of Luxor is the site of the ancient Egyptian town of Waset. Thus, during the Greek period, the Cairo Luxor round trip became known as Thebes. 

Cairo Luxor Round Trip

Locations to go to Cairo Luxor round trip

Luxor is one place in Egypt where you can spend two days. It’s an exploration of the wonderful things of the historic world stage. Here are the high-quality locations to visit in Luxor:

Karnak Temple

The Temple of Karnak is the most amazing and fantastic “Cairo Luxor Round Trip.” Hence, the temple houses the wonderful Temple of Amun, the Temple of Khons and the Temple of Tuthmosis III, inside its grounds. The location represents the building activities of many successive rulers of Egypt.   

Luxor Temple

This temple has been the converting face of Egypt for centuries. Starting with Amenophis III, I knew Luxor Temple as ‘ the southern retinue of Amun. ‘

The temple had become committed to Amun, his informant Mut, and their son Khons, the god of the moon. Like the various temples in Egypt, this great temple contains the chapels of the gods. Thus, a massive Hypostyle corridor and an open Peristyle court.

Valley of the Kings

The famous Valley of the Kings is a sizable valley they hide this among rocky escarpments. It was the final resting area for the kings of the 18th, 19th, and twentieth dynasties.

In line with the traditions, there was a dead man who turned to be seen through the sun by God, sailed through the underworld at night on a boat, and the tombs were painted with texts and scenes exciting their journey together with the orders of the dead man. 

It makes the valley up of 63 tombs that could be opened on a rotating machine to preserve the paintings as much as possible.

Tombs of Nobles - Cairo Luxor Round Trip From Hurghada

Therefore, you still want to discover larger tombs that will dip you into the history of this historic town. In the meantime, plan a trip to the Tombs of the Nobles. This location is not very popular, but it displays many better-preserved examples of tomb paintings.

In addition, it makes the tomb of the Nobles up of about 400 tombs of many heads of state from the sixth empire to the Ptolemaic era. Here, the artwork shows scenes from Egyptian lifestyles every day.

In conclusion, explore the fantastic historic and enthralling brightness of this place reserving "Cario Luxor Round Trip" via Golux International and ensure the excellent deal for yourself!
